I’m afraid God has abandoned us – because I would have
I keep having this underlying fear that we’re on our own, that God has abandoned us. Or at the very least he’s taken a very very relaxed hands-off approach and maybe nudges things here or there every so often but otherwise he lets us “do our own thing”.
The Bible says he hasn’t abandoned us, that he won’t, and I keep holding onto those words of hope, I keep hoping and praying and trusting that he hasn’t abandoned us, that he’s still there doing little miracles every day for hundreds of people (in a world of billions which is why I haven’t personally witnessed any miracles that are supposedly occurring every day) and that he’s guiding us, humanity as a whole, in a certain direction of his choosing. There’s comfort in knowing that we’re not alone to completely screw everything up, that we’re not all just free-for-all handling our society, our planet, our species, etc. that there is a guiding intelligence behind it all. Because…
I would have. You see things on the news about these wars, these invasions, innocent children being killed; and then you see things on the news about these hate crimes and you can at least think “nah, that’s just global stuff” and try to convince yourself that it’s not all that bad, that the news is misleading you. Scare headlines to catch your attention. But then you check “Nextdoor” and see things about break ins in vehicles, mail being stolen, packages being stolen, suspicious characters being reported everywhere, bad or rude neighbors, vehicles being stolen, etc. and then you realize that things aren’t exactly all rosy locally either. And the police aren’t really in a position to handle all of that, that they’re being stretched too thin due to staffing issues and them having to focus on the big stuff. And you realize that staffing issues are brought on by the media roasting the police and the public outcry of defunding the police and that “all police officers are racists and harm black people” and that “black lives matter” (and they do matter, all lives matter, and a black life should absolutely be considered just as precious as any other and I’m absolutely against any form of racism) but what ended up happening was the public no longer trusts the police. That they no longer respect the police. So a lot of young people no longer want to grow up and become a police officer, the attendance at police acadmies are at all time lows. Why would anybody want to work a job, that doesn’t pay all that well, where nobody respects you, everyone distrusts you? So yeah, police departments all around the USA are reporting personnel shortages and the result is an increase in petty crimes that cannot be addressed. But overall it just shows that society is… crumbling.
The ugly side of humanity is beginning to rear it’s ugly head stronger than ever. And I have to wonder “Maybe God has really has abandoned us? I would have done so, a long time ago, we’re not worthy of him continually trying to make us better, we don’t deserve his attention. We’ve brought this upon ourselves.” and yet the Bible says he won’t abandon us. I’m glad that he won’t, but I fear that he should have, or would have had he not promised he wouldn’t. Maybe his heart just isn’t in it anymore, because we’ve broken it too many times. You can’t blame God for human’s being terrible, we had our chance to improve things, to make our lives better, and yet we blow it all the time. Greed, Power, Hate, Fear, Intollerance, etc. it’s all the ugly side of humanity and it feels like it’s been winning lately. I’m done with the news, I know burying my head in the sand is not a good approach overall but being constantly bombarded with how messed up the world is right now is not healthy either.
I think I would have given up on us a long time ago, and I think most human’s would have. And it makes me very glad that God is not a human. Could you imagine how bad it would really be should God have all the same flaws and limitations that a human has? Eh. God I hope you’re still out there, that you haven’t given up on us, that you’re still guiding humanity in the direction you planned for us to go. That we’re still on course for your overall goal for us.
Filed under: Personal - @ 2023-10-16 4:16 pm